What is Lomi Lomi Massage?
Our lives are often so busy that when we experience physical symptoms it’s often the last resort to make us listen to what is going on at all different levels. In Lomi Lomi we work on the physical body, healing, aligning and balancing the body and through that, all levels are affected.
Lomi Lomi is an ancient Hawaiian healing art. The Hawaiians see all aspects of the body, the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual as part of our whole self.
Lomi Lomi is so much more than a massage.
The massage therapist begins the Lomi Lomi massage session by placing their hands gently on the client and staying still for a while. They might also ask you to take deep breaths to help you relax.
Unlike the Thai or deep tissue massage, during the Lomi Lomi massage more of your body is uncovered. This is because the massage therapists move in long flowing motions rather than working on one body part at a time. Some therapists use massage sheets, exposing larger areas of your body at once.
The massage therapist makes use of the forearms and the hands in a fluid, rhythmic motion, massaging different parts of the body at the same time. This helps the client relax as the brain can’t focus on two different areas at once. By not working on areas in isolation, a deep sense of stability and peace is achieved. Traditional Lomi Lomi massage technique includes abdominal massage as this is traditionally considered the colon part of a person’s soul or heart.
Benefits of Lomi Lomi Massage
- Increasing blood circulation.
- Increasing the muscle’s flexibility and motion.
- Releasing emotional tension during and after the massage session.
- Reducing tension, headache and migraines.
- Relieving pains in the muscle.
- Instilling a sense of well being in the body, mind and spirit.
- Boosting Immune response.
- Stimulating the lymphatic drainage system.